
Let’s talk about food from Lynn

One day I was in a taxi going home. I was sharing a taxi with my three friends and my apartment was the last drop off point. So the taxi driver said something very interesting to me. He said, “what do you think about when you are walking on the street? I said, “I think about nothing special, just my work and my family and food!. I think he wasn’t satisfied with my answer because he asked me another question. He said, “what kind of food do you eat? I can’t imagine what foreigner’s eat.” So I decided to show him a picture of my breakfast from last week.

When I wake up early I try to eat healthy!
A strong cup of tea and some fruit is the perfect way to start my day!


He was very interested to understand about my experiences as a foreigner in Japan. So this week I want to talk about my feeling about food.

One of the things I enjoy in life is food. I love trying new food everywhere I go. Some  food experiences have been good …some food experiences not so good…..some food experiences have been  interesting. But the important point is I try new foods everywhere I go! Good food can change my mood, good food makes a party more memorable, good food is unforgettable!

Japan has an interesting collection of food for every prefecture. For example, in winter I can look forward to enjoying the different oranges from  Ehime prefecture. There are many names for the oranges but my favorite is the Beni Madonna. It is so juicy and sweet. I also enjoy okonomiyaki from Hiroshima. When I first came to Japan okonomiyaki was very easy to eat for me. I liked it instantly! Natto on the other hand took me time to get used to it!

So now I connect food to place and memory. I connect seafood and lamb to Sapporo. I connect Kyoto to traditional Japanese food. I connect Okinawa to pork based dishes and tropical fruits. When I am homesick, I think about my favorite street food in Malawi called “kanyenya”. I always have it once a week when I am in my home country!

How about you? Do you have a special food that you connect to a  place or time  that is special  to you?For me good food is like good friends. Life is better with good friends and good food. Good food doesn’t mean expensive food. It means food that is cooked well and that you enjoy the taste.I want to make more memories with food because food makes life much much better for me!

See you next time!

Ice-cream is not special but with good friends it makes good memories!
California rolls are popular everywhere!I always look for them when I think about Japan.


Kanyenya…not healthy but very tasty!
Jingisukan curry in Sapporo warmed my body after a cold day!
外国人トレーナー Lynn(リン)
外国人トレーナー Lynn(リン)
HiThere! My name is Lynn and I'm an English Trainer at Sekaime Language School. In September 2019 I became part of a team of  three other highly skilled ladies (Erina , Manami and Arisa) . Our goal is to raise the global communication skills particularly with English language using an innovative approach. My hobbies are reading, traveling, gardening and appreciating nature.  Visit my blog page for interesting adventures with English language! 
オンライン英会話 SEKAIme(セカイミー)

完全マンツーマンの オンライン英会話スクールです。





